White Box Rise

White Box Rise

White Box Rise is a planned 1100 lot residential subdivision, incorporating a wide choice of lot sizes and home styles, incorporating a neighbourhood shopping precinct, primary school and the new Wodonga Aquatic Centre, all nestled into the northern slopes of Bear’s Hill approx. 3 kilometres south of the city centre.

Ground Control has been involved from the project’s inception in 2005, influencing the whole estate planning, urban design and landscape direction to achieve a sustainable outcome. We have been instrumental as part of the consultant team in sensitively positioning the proposed development footprint to retain & enhance the structural diversity of the original White Box Grassy Woodland, through the creation of a linear network to preserve biodiversity on site while providing recreation opportunities for the new community.

The design of the new community is based on New Urbanist principles, with a focus on creating a walkable community of mixed use, with the commercial hub and community facilities linked to each other and to constructed parks and playspaces by an extensive open space and shared path network.

White Box Rise also features whole estate stormwater harvesting, directed into the adjoining racecourse wetland and lake storage and reused as irrigation and for other purposes.

We have enjoyed working with Abacus, Head & Humphreys (land consultants), SJE Consulting (civil engineers), Council and other specialist consultants and contractors to meet and solve the many challenges White Box Rise has presented to us.

The full extent of the linear reserve system has now been designed and constructed, with completion in late 2017 of the construction of the major neighbourhood reserve as a centrepiece and social/recreational hub of the community.

The final addition to the White Box Rise recreation experience was a junior pump track, constructed in late 2018 as part of Stage 22 pocket park. Designed and constructed in collaboration with Terrain Trail Construction, this pump track has proved to be a ‘second home’ to local kids of all ages and abilities!

Video courtesy of Terrain Trail Construction.

Border Mail article 17 August 2019.