Taylors Rise
Ground Control has had a 25 year association with the Lawport Property Group, creating landscape solutions for multiple new residential communities in Melbourne’s west. This consulting relationship had its origins at Taylors Hill (1999 to 2015) and continued into this century with The Point, Deanside (2011 to 2014), Orbis Green, Deanside (2011 to 2014) and Infinity, Deanside (2013 to 2021).
Lawport again looked to Ground Control to prepare a landscape masterplan and detailed landscape design/documentation for Taylors Rise, their latest residential development bordering the western edge of Caroline Springs, stretching from Taylors Road in the north to Kororoit Creek in the south. This new community incorporates over 900 housing lots, a primary school, community centre, a local (retail) convenience centre and a local sports reserve.
The southern section of the new development includes waterway reserves to facilitate management of stormwater from the adjoining Attwell Estate (and further catchment areas upstream) and connection into Kororoit Creek. Landscape design & treatments include careful remedial works to both Waterway and Growling Grass Frog Conservation Reserves to convert these areas from previously uncontrolled agricultural use to high quality habitat for both indigenous flora and fauna.
The southern quadrant of this new community includes a local park, incorporating a high-quality playspace, BBQ area, shelter, picnic tables & seating, kickabout grass area, shade trees, planting areas, shared paths and seamless, sensitive integration with the adjoining Waterway and Growling Grass Frog Conservation Reserves.
The Landscape Masterplan was completed and endorsed by Council in 2023. Detailed design and documentation for landscape works to the initial stages of this project is in progress. It is estimated the development of this this new community will be completed over the next 6 to 7 years.